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Blessed Orb
Blessed OrbStack Size: 20Randomises the numeric values of the implicit modifiers of an itemRight click this item then left click another item to apply it.
Shift click to unstack.
Blessed Orb


Price 2.7 USD
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Path of Exile Blessed Orb Wiki & Tips

What is Blessed Orb & How to Get in POE?

A Blessed Orb is a currency item in Path of Exile that can be used to re-roll values of the implicit modifiers on a piece of equipment. This means the top values of an item above the line and not the bottom 6 values. Blessed Orbs are rare currency items that can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist's Strongboxes. There are currently no known methods of obtaining Blessed Orbs from vendors. A Blessed Orb re-rolls the implicit modifier of an item. It cannot be used on items without implicit modifiers or whose implicit modifiers do not have a range of values. They cannot be used to alter implicit modifiers on corrupted items, because such POE items cannot be modified in any way. Because of their rarity and limited impact, Blessed Orbs are best used to enhance high-end equipment rather than equipment used during the leveling process.

Does Blessed Orb Work on Uniques?

No, Blessed Orbs do not work on unique items in Path of Exile. Unique items have fixed properties and cannot have their implicit mods changed or rerolled using a Blessed Orb or any other currency item.

Unique items in Path of Exile are designed with specific implicit mods that set them apart from regular items, and these mods are not subject to alteration or modification through currency items. If you wish to change the attributes of a unique item, you would typically need to obtain a different unique item with the desired properties or use other methods such as divination cards, corruption, or specific in-game mechanics associated with that unique item.

Why Are Blessed Orbs So Rare? 

There are a few key reasons why Blessed Orbs are rarer drops than other basic currency items like Chaos Orbs, Alchemy Orbs, etc in Path of Exile:

  • Implicits have more direct impact on maximum power level: Implicit modifiers like +max life, +elemental resistance are directly powerful and some bases have very powerful exclusive implicits. This makes re-rolling them more impactful than explicits.

  • Fewer available implicits to roll: Whereas explicits have hundreds of possible mods in large pools, each base type has a much smaller and weighted implicit pool making desired implicits harder to hit.

  • Integral to crafting/meta-crafting: Identifying and re-rolling implicits is central to specialized crafting strategies. Making them rarer balances their place in high-end item creation.

  • Historic imbalance: Implicits used to be even more powerful/impactful making Blessed Orbs essentially Orb of Chances. Their drop rates were never adjusted upwards like other currencies when implicits were toned down.

  • Sustained crafting cost: To balance Blessed Orbs as a crafting resource, GGG aims for them to be difficult to acquire in large bulk for projects versus opportunistic use.

What Happens When You Try to Use a Blessed Orb on an Enchanted Item?

If you try to use a Blessed Orb on an item that already has an enchantment applied, it will not work and nothing will happen. Enchantments in Path of Exile are special implicit modifiers that are applied through certain endgame systems like the Labyrinth, Master missions, or other select content. They do not count as a normal implicit that can be rerolled. When you use a Blessed Orb, it specifically rerolls the implicit modifier slot. But on an enchanted item, that implicit slot is already occupied by the enchantment. The game considers an enchantment to be a locked implicit that cannot be changed or removed once applied. Only specifically designed mechanics like Vaal Orbs or Divine Orbs have a chance to remove enchantments.

So in summary:

  • Trying to use a Blessed Orb on an enchanted item does nothing, as the enchantment blocks the reroll of the implicit slot.

  • Enchantments cannot be changed or removed through normal implicit rerolling methods like Blessed Orbs. They are permanently locked in place.

  • The Blessed Orb will be wasted without providing any change to the item since it cannot alter an already occupied implicit slot.

Is There Any Way to "Blessed Orb" a Corrupted Item?

No, there is no way to use a Blessed Orb or reroll the implicit modifier on a corrupted item in Path of Exile. Corrupted items work a bit differently:

- Items become corrupted when a Vaal Orb is used on them. This randomly adds special Vaal-related modifiers.

- A corrupted item can no longer be modified or changed in any way, including the implicit.

- The corruption "locks" both the explicit and implicit modifiers permanently.

- Using a Blessed Orb or any other crafting method on a corrupted item will have no effect. Nothing will happen.

- The only way to possibly modify a corrupted item is with another Vaal Orb, which may brick it or do nothing at all.

- Corrupted implicits and modifiers cannot be targeted or changed through normal crafting processes.

What is the Difference Between Blessed Orb and Divine Orb?

Blessed Orb:

  • Effect: When used on an item, a Blessed Orb rerolls the implicit mod of the item. The implicit mod is a specific pre-determined property of certain item types, and the orb selects a new implicit mod randomly from the available pool for that item type.

  • Use: Blessed Orbs are primarily used to change the implicit mod of an item, aiming for a different implicit mod or a higher roll on the same implicit mod.

  • Applicability: Blessed Orbs work on regular items, magic (blue) items, and rare (yellow) items, excluding unique items.

Divine Orb:

  • Effect: When used on an item, a Divine Orb rerolls the values of explicit (affix) mods on the item. It randomly reassigns new numerical values within the mod's range of values, keeping the same mods.

  • Use: Divine Orbs are used to alter the values of explicit mods on an item, aiming to improve or optimize the rolls on those mods.

  • Applicability: Divine Orbs work on regular items, magic (blue) items, rare (yellow) items, and unique items. However, when used on a unique item, the Divine Orb rerolls the values of the explicit mods while keeping the item's unique properties intact.

Other key differences:

  • Blessed Orbs are more common than Divine Orbs as a drop.

  • Blessed Orbs re-roll implicits, Divine Orbs re-roll explicit modifier values only.

  • Implicits are rarer and more impactful than explicit ranges usually.

  • Divine Orbs are more useful for fine-tuning already good items.

  • Blessed Orbs can potentially improve an item's intrinsic power level.

  • Settlers
  • Standard
Settlers Blessed Orb Rates
Blessed Orb Mirror of Kalandra Orb of Regret Vaal Orb Orb of Scouring Orb of Annulment Chaos Orb Orb of Alchemy Orb of Alteration Gemcutter's Prism Regal Orb Exalted Orb Chromatic Orb Dedication to the Goddess Glassblower's Bauble Harbinger's Orb Offering to the Goddess Orb of Fusing Armourer's Scrap Blacksmith's Whetstone Cartographer's Chisel Orb of Augmentation Orb of Chance Orb of Transmutation Tribute to the Goddess Stacked Deck Jeweller's Orb Orb of Unmaking Gift to the Goddess Divine Orb Portal Scroll Scroll of Wisdom Ancient Orb
1:1 40967328:5 25:32 7:32 41:64 1568:5 32:5 101:32 53:64 384:5 19:64 1216:1 117:64 5120:1 5:16 448:5 64:1 65:32 53:32 127:64 5:32 75:16 75:16 625:32 2560:1 128:1 25:8 21:32 65824:5 54848:5 535:64 1075:64 1952:5

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