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List of POE Currency Exchange Rates

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Mirror of Kalandra Orb of Regret Vaal Orb Blessed Orb Orb of Scouring Orb of Annulment Chaos Orb Orb of Alchemy Orb of Alteration Gemcutter's Prism Regal Orb Exalted Orb Chromatic Orb Dedication to the Goddess Glassblower's Bauble Harbinger's Orb Offering to the Goddess Orb of Fusing Armourer's Scrap Blacksmith's Whetstone Cartographer's Chisel Orb of Augmentation Orb of Chance Orb of Transmutation Tribute to the Goddess Stacked Deck Jeweller's Orb Orb of Unmaking Gift to the Goddess Divine Orb Portal Scroll Scroll of Wisdom Ancient Orb
Mirror of Kalandra 1:1 1:2073201 1:93810 1:6219603 1:4146402 22:203255 1:121953 1:43049409 1:8292804 3:203255 1:3658590 163:609765 1:7317180 8:40651 1:9512334 3:203255 1:1463436 1:6341556 1:54391038 1:79757262 1:12439206 1:24634506 1:16463655 1:84635382 33:406510 2:121953 1:14634360 1:2073201 4:2067 2:2067 1:52317837 10:-1949811106 5:121953
Orb of Regret 2073201:1 1:1 221:10 3:1 2:1 1122:5 17:10 353:17 4:1 153:5 30:17 2771:5 60:17 408:1 78:17 153:5 12:17 52:17 446:17 654:17 6:1 202:17 135:17 694:17 1683:10 34:1 120:17 1:1 4012:1 2006:1 429:17 1923:17 85:1
Vaal Orb 93810:1 10:221 1:1 10:663 5:221 132:13 10:13 10:4589 5:442 18:13 1:39 326:13 1:78 240:13 5:507 18:13 5:78 5:338 5:2899 5:4251 5:663 5:1313 2:351 5:4511 99:13 20:13 1:156 10:221 2360:13 1180:13 10:5577 10:24999 50:13
Blessed Orb 6219603:1 1:3 663:10 1:1 2:3 3366:5 51:10 353:51 4:3 459:5 10:17 8313:5 20:17 1224:1 26:17 459:5 4:17 52:51 446:51 218:17 2:1 202:51 45:17 694:51 5049:10 102:1 40:17 1:3 12036:1 6018:1 143:17 641:17 255:1
Orb of Scouring 4146402:1 1:2 221:5 3:2 1:1 2244:5 17:5 353:34 2:1 306:5 15:17 5542:5 30:17 816:1 39:17 306:5 6:17 26:17 223:17 327:17 3:1 101:17 135:34 347:17 1683:5 68:1 60:17 1:2 8024:1 4012:1 429:34 1923:34 170:1
Orb of Annulment 203255:22 5:1122 13:132 5:3366 5:2244 1:1 5:66 5:23298 5:4488 3:22 1:396 163:66 1:792 20:11 5:5148 3:22 5:792 5:3432 5:29436 5:43164 5:6732 5:13332 1:1782 5:45804 3:4 5:33 1:1584 5:1122 590:33 295:33 5:28314 5:126918 25:66
Chaos Orb 121953:1 10:17 13:10 10:51 5:17 66:5 1:1 10:353 5:34 9:5 1:3 163:5 1:6 24:1 5:39 9:5 5:6 5:26 5:223 5:327 5:51 5:101 2:27 5:347 99:10 2:1 1:12 10:17 236:1 118:1 10:429 10:1923 5:1
Orb of Alchemy 43049409:1 17:353 4589:10 51:353 34:353 23298:5 353:10 1:1 68:353 3177:5 30:353 57539:5 60:353 8472:1 78:353 3177:5 12:353 52:353 446:353 654:353 102:353 202:353 135:353 694:353 34947:10 706:1 120:353 17:353 83308:1 41654:1 429:353 1923:353 1765:1
Orb of Alteration 8292804:1 1:4 442:5 3:4 1:2 4488:5 34:5 353:68 1:1 612:5 15:34 11084:5 15:17 1632:1 39:34 612:5 3:17 13:17 223:34 327:34 3:2 101:34 135:68 347:34 3366:5 136:1 30:17 1:4 16048:1 8024:1 429:68 1923:68 340:1
Gemcutter's Prism 203255:3 5:153 13:18 5:459 5:306 22:3 5:9 5:3177 5:612 1:1 1:54 163:9 1:108 40:3 5:702 1:1 5:108 5:468 5:4014 5:5886 5:918 5:1818 1:243 5:6246 11:2 10:9 1:216 5:153 1180:9 590:9 5:3861 5:17307 25:9
Regal Orb 3658590:1 17:30 39:1 17:10 17:15 396:1 3:1 353:30 34:15 54:1 1:1 978:1 2:1 720:1 13:5 54:1 2:5 26:15 223:15 109:5 17:5 101:15 9:2 347:15 297:1 60:1 4:1 17:30 7080:1 3540:1 143:10 641:10 150:1
Exalted Orb 609765:163 5:2771 13:326 5:8313 5:5542 66:163 5:163 5:57539 5:11084 9:163 1:978 1:1 1:1956 120:163 5:12714 9:163 5:1956 5:8476 5:72698 5:106602 5:16626 5:32926 1:4401 5:113122 99:326 10:163 1:3912 5:2771 1180:163 590:163 5:69927 5:313449 25:163
Chromatic Orb 7317180:1 17:60 78:1 17:20 17:30 792:1 6:1 353:60 17:15 108:1 1:2 1956:1 1:1 1440:1 13:10 108:1 1:5 13:15 223:30 109:10 17:10 101:30 9:4 347:30 594:1 120:1 2:1 17:60 14160:1 7080:1 143:20 641:20 300:1
Dedication to the Goddess 40651:8 1:408 13:240 1:1224 1:816 11:20 1:24 1:8472 1:1632 3:40 1:720 163:120 1:1440 1:1 1:1872 3:40 1:288 1:1248 1:10704 1:15696 1:2448 1:4848 1:3240 1:16656 33:80 1:12 1:2880 1:408 59:6 59:12 1:10296 1:46152 5:24
Glassblower's Bauble 9512334:1 17:78 507:5 17:26 17:39 5148:5 39:5 353:78 34:39 702:5 5:13 12714:5 10:13 1872:1 1:1 702:5 2:13 2:3 223:39 109:13 17:13 101:39 45:26 347:39 3861:5 156:1 20:13 17:78 18408:1 9204:1 11:2 641:26 390:1
Harbinger's Orb 203255:3 5:153 13:18 5:459 5:306 22:3 5:9 5:3177 5:612 1:1 1:54 163:9 1:108 40:3 5:702 1:1 5:108 5:468 5:4014 5:5886 5:918 5:1818 1:243 5:6246 11:2 10:9 1:216 5:153 1180:9 590:9 5:3861 5:17307 25:9
Offering to the Goddess 1463436:1 17:12 78:5 17:4 17:6 792:5 6:5 353:12 17:3 108:5 5:2 1956:5 5:1 288:1 13:2 108:5 1:1 13:3 223:6 109:2 17:2 101:6 45:4 347:6 594:5 24:1 10:1 17:12 2832:1 1416:1 143:4 641:4 60:1
Orb of Fusing 6341556:1 17:52 338:5 51:52 17:26 3432:5 26:5 353:52 17:13 468:5 15:26 8476:5 15:13 1248:1 3:2 468:5 3:13 1:1 223:26 327:26 51:26 101:26 135:52 347:26 2574:5 104:1 30:13 17:52 12272:1 6136:1 33:4 1923:52 260:1
Armourer's Scrap 54391038:1 17:446 2899:5 51:446 17:223 29436:5 223:5 353:446 34:223 4014:5 15:223 72698:5 30:223 10704:1 39:223 4014:5 6:223 26:223 1:1 327:223 51:223 101:223 135:446 347:223 22077:5 892:1 60:223 17:446 105256:1 52628:1 429:446 1923:446 2230:1
Blacksmith's Whetstone 79757262:1 17:654 4251:5 17:218 17:327 43164:5 327:5 353:654 34:327 5886:5 5:109 106602:5 10:109 15696:1 13:109 5886:5 2:109 26:327 223:327 1:1 17:109 101:327 45:218 347:327 32373:5 1308:1 20:109 17:654 154344:1 77172:1 143:218 641:218 3270:1
Cartographer's Chisel 12439206:1 1:6 663:5 1:2 1:3 6732:5 51:5 353:102 2:3 918:5 5:17 16626:5 10:17 2448:1 13:17 918:5 2:17 26:51 223:51 109:17 1:1 101:51 45:34 347:51 5049:5 204:1 20:17 1:6 24072:1 12036:1 143:34 641:34 510:1
Orb of Augmentation 24634506:1 17:202 1313:5 51:202 17:101 13332:5 101:5 353:202 34:101 1818:5 15:101 32926:5 30:101 4848:1 39:101 1818:5 6:101 26:101 223:101 327:101 51:101 1:1 135:202 347:101 9999:5 404:1 60:101 17:202 47672:1 23836:1 429:202 1923:202 1010:1
Orb of Chance 16463655:1 17:135 351:2 17:45 34:135 1782:1 27:2 353:135 68:135 243:1 2:9 4401:1 4:9 3240:1 26:45 243:1 4:45 52:135 446:135 218:45 34:45 202:135 1:1 694:135 2673:2 270:1 8:9 17:135 31860:1 15930:1 143:45 641:45 675:1
Orb of Transmutation 84635382:1 17:694 4511:5 51:694 17:347 45804:5 347:5 353:694 34:347 6246:5 15:347 113122:5 30:347 16656:1 39:347 6246:5 6:347 26:347 223:347 327:347 51:347 101:347 135:694 1:1 34353:5 1388:1 60:347 17:694 163784:1 81892:1 429:694 1923:694 3470:1
Tribute to the Goddess 406510:33 10:1683 13:99 10:5049 5:1683 4:3 10:99 10:34947 5:3366 2:11 1:297 326:99 1:594 80:33 5:3861 2:11 5:594 5:2574 5:22077 5:32373 5:5049 5:9999 2:2673 5:34353 1:1 20:99 1:1188 10:1683 2360:99 1180:99 10:42471 10:190377 50:99
Stacked Deck 121953:2 1:34 13:20 1:102 1:68 33:5 1:2 1:706 1:136 9:10 1:60 163:10 1:120 12:1 1:156 9:10 1:24 1:104 1:892 1:1308 1:204 1:404 1:270 1:1388 99:20 1:1 1:240 1:34 118:1 59:1 1:858 1:3846 5:2
Jeweller's Orb 14634360:1 17:120 156:1 17:40 17:60 1584:1 12:1 353:120 17:30 216:1 1:4 3912:1 1:2 2880:1 13:20 216:1 1:10 13:30 223:60 109:20 17:20 101:60 9:8 347:60 1188:1 240:1 1:1 17:120 28320:1 14160:1 143:40 641:40 600:1
Orb of Unmaking 2073201:1 1:1 221:10 3:1 2:1 1122:5 17:10 353:17 4:1 153:5 30:17 2771:5 60:17 408:1 78:17 153:5 12:17 52:17 446:17 654:17 6:1 202:17 135:17 694:17 1683:10 34:1 120:17 1:1 4012:1 2006:1 429:17 1923:17 85:1
Gift to the Goddess 2067:4 1:4012 13:2360 1:12036 1:8024 33:590 1:236 1:83308 1:16048 9:1180 1:7080 163:1180 1:14160 6:59 1:18408 9:1180 1:2832 1:12272 1:105256 1:154344 1:24072 1:47672 1:31860 1:163784 99:2360 1:118 1:28320 1:4012 1:1 1:2 1:101244 1:453828 5:236
Divine Orb 2067:2 1:2006 13:1180 1:6018 1:4012 33:295 1:118 1:41654 1:8024 9:590 1:3540 163:590 1:7080 12:59 1:9204 9:590 1:1416 1:6136 1:52628 1:77172 1:12036 1:23836 1:15930 1:81892 99:1180 1:59 1:14160 1:2006 2:1 1:1 1:50622 1:226914 5:118
Portal Scroll 52317837:1 17:429 5577:10 17:143 34:429 28314:5 429:10 353:429 68:429 3861:5 10:143 69927:5 20:143 10296:1 2:11 3861:5 4:143 4:33 446:429 218:143 34:143 202:429 45:143 694:429 42471:10 858:1 40:143 17:429 101244:1 50622:1 1:1 641:143 2145:1
Scroll of Wisdom -1949811106:10 17:1923 24999:10 17:641 34:1923 126918:5 1923:10 353:1923 68:1923 17307:5 10:641 313449:5 20:641 46152:1 26:641 17307:5 4:641 52:1923 446:1923 218:641 34:641 202:1923 45:641 694:1923 190377:10 3846:1 40:641 17:1923 453828:1 226914:1 143:641 1:1 9615:1
Ancient Orb 121953:5 1:85 13:50 1:255 1:170 66:25 1:5 1:1765 1:340 9:25 1:150 163:25 1:300 24:5 1:390 9:25 1:60 1:260 1:2230 1:3270 1:510 1:1010 1:675 1:3470 99:50 2:5 1:600 1:85 236:5 118:5 1:2145 1:9615 1:1
PoE Currency Conversion Exchange Rate

Currency in Path of Exile does not take the form of traditional gold coins. Instead, there are over 20 different "orb" items that serve as currency. These orbs can be used for crafting, trading with other players, and more. Some common types of PoE currency include Chaos Orbs, Exalted Orbs, Chromatic Orbs, and more. There are a few main ways to earn currency in POE: killing monsters and completing content, selling items to vendors, and trading with other players. Higher level monsters have a better chance of dropping valuable currency. provides up-to-date PoE currency exchange rates and PoE Orbs Trades based on market values. Path of Exile orb exchange rates can fluctuate between leagues and over time. Our PoE currency rates show how much currencies are worth to each other (left : top). Don't miss out on the best PoE currency exchange rates—only at!

Why Choose for PoE Currency Exchange?

Competitive Rates: At, we offer some of the most competitive rates for PoE currency exchange in the market. Whether you're looking to buy or sell Exalted Orbs, Chaos Orbs, or any other currency, we ensure you get the best cheap PoE currency exchange rate.

Secure Transactions: Security is our top priority. We provide a safe and secure platform for all your PoE currency conversion exchange needs. You can trust to protect your account information and ensure your transactions are smooth and secure.

Instant Delivery: Say goodbye to waiting! We offer lightning-fast delivery of your purchased cheap PoE currency exchange trade so you can get back to conquering Wraeclast in no time.

Wide Currency Selection: offers a wide range of PoE Orb trades, allowing you to trade in whatever you need to enhance your gameplay.

Do you have questions or need assistance? Our dedicated customer support team is available to make your Path of Exile currency exchange rates experience hassle-free.

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