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Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir Rogue Leveling & Endgame Builds - Top 2 Best Rogue Builds for Abattoir of Zir

12/7/2023 2:28:32 PM

The Abattoir of Zir is an ultra-endgame event in Diablo 4 that promises to test the strength of our characters, builds, and skills as players. As a Rogue, choosing the right build is crucial for success in this challenging event. In this article, we will explore the top two best Rogue builds for the Abattoir of Zir, focusing on both leveling and endgame content.

Diablo 4 Abattoir of Zir Rogue Leveling & Endgame Builds - Top 2 Best Rogue Builds for Abattoir of Zir

We got the big event the Abattoir of Zir to cap off season 2 of Diablo 4, with an ultra endgame mechanic that promises to test our characters, our builds, and our skill as players. And so for anyone who is level 100, for anyone who wants to try and become more powerful especially because the brand new Paragon glyph that the activity dropped, this is a priority, it's something that you're looking forward to trying and for some it is an obstacle that they really want to clear. Developers have said for ages that this is going to be difficult that they don't think a single person will even be able to beat tier 25 which is the final tier and we even very recently had a campfire chat stream where the developers gave us a live demo of this event, so that we can actually see what's going on. All that said with all the information in consideration of course the next step was to create a build that I believe has the absolute highest chance of getting as far as possible into the Abattoir of Zir as quickly as possible. 

1. D4 DPS Abattoir of Zir Twisting Blade Rogue Build

This build is quite simply, a very heavy defensive variation of poison twisting blades. This build itself scales extremely well at the upper end and due to lucky hit procs can basically just create all of its own offense through your legendaries and uniques mainly, which opens up the ability to focus your skill points and Paragon board more towards defensive options which is very important as Rogue is the squishiest class, we are expected to use our mobility as a defensive measure but this allows us to actually become somewhat tanky in our own. 


- Basic: 1 Puncture (Enhanced, Fundamental)

- Core: 9 Twisting Blades (enhanced, Improve), 3 Sturdy

- Agility: 1 Shadow Step, 1 Dash, 1 Rapid Gambits, 3 Trick Attacks

- Subterfuge: 1 Smoke Grenade (Enhanced), 1 Dark Shroud (Subverting), 3 Exploit 

- Imbuement: 12 Poison Imbuement (Enhanced, Blended), 3 Deadly Venom, 3 Debilitating Toxins, Alchemical Advantage, 3 Frigid Finesse

- Ultimate: 1 Innervation, 3 Alchemist’s Fortune, 3 Second Wind, 1 Adrenaline Rush, 3 Haste


With Rogue being how it is right now, it’s impossible to not use combo points in a high tier build due to the bug interaction with Tibault’s Will, giving you up to 20 extra combo points which just provides a massive damage boost.

Legendaries & Uniques

  • Tibault’s Will 

  • Condemnation

  • Penitent Greaves

  • X’fal’s Corroder Signet

  • Piercing Wind of Corruption

  • Umbrous Choker

  • Circle of Pestilent Points

  • Flammard of Bursting Venoms

  • Bladedancer’s Doom Gauntlets

  • Boneweave Helm of Might

  • Archon Armor of Disobedience

Vampire Powers

  • Ravenous

  • Undying 

  • Flowing Veins

  • Resilience

  • Metamorphosis 

2.  D4 Abattoir of Zir Flurry Rapid Fire Rogue Build

Flurry Rapid Fire Rogue undergoes some changes from the standard Endgame build guide when it delves into the Abattoir of Zir. Thankfully, there is virtually no change to the Skill rotation - the familiar Combo Point cadence that we've known and loved remains, with a slight dash of smoky spice from the addition of Smoke Grenade to the lineup. The largest change to the build is taking advantage of the infamous "bugged" Unique, Tibault's Will - which takes our cap of 3 combo points and throws it out the window, allowing us to build ludicrous amounts to buff both Flurryand Rapid Fire, particularly in conjunction with Condemnation.

Skills and Abilities

- Flurry: A multi-hit frontal cone attack that transforms into a 360° AoE with the Aspect of Encircling Blades.

- Rapid Fire: A high-damage single-target skill used against elites and bosses.

- Puncture: The Basic Skill of choice for applying Vulnerable and Slow debuffs.

- Combo Points: Generated with Puncture and used to boost subsequent Core Skills.

- Dash or Shadow Step: Used for engaging enemies and repositioning in combat.

Skill Tree:

- The skill tree includes nodes like Improved Flurry, Advanced Flurry, Evade, and Enhanced Shadow Imbuement.

- Later in the progression, Exploit Glyph replaces Improved Flurry to apply Vulnerable.

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