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Diablo 4 Season 4 Best Rogue Build - Top 3 New S-Tier Rogue Builds in D4 Season 4

4/12/2024 3:09:48 PM

Is Rogue really the OP class in Diablo 4 Season 4? The Rogue class is the true epitome of versatility and adaptability in the world of Diablo 4. If you are looking for the best Diablo 4 Season 4 Rogue builds, you have come to the right place. Read our D4 Season 4 Rogue build guide, we're in-depth on the gear and skills for the best Rogue build.

Diablo 4 Season 4 Rogue Build Guide - Top 3 Best Rogue Builds In D4 S4

In this Diablo IV Season 4 build guide, we will explore the new top 3 best Rogue builds. Each offers a unique playstyle and devastating power. From the deadly Poison TB Rogue to the elemental mastery of the Surge Rogue, and the explosive chaos of the Stun Grenade Flurry Rogue, there is a build for every Rogue enthusiast. So, buy D4 items on AOEAH.COM, grab your gear, sharpen your blades, and get ready to conquer the darkness with these formidable builds. 

No.1 D4 Season 4 Best Rogue Build - Poison TB Rogue

Poison Twisting Blade Rogue is back in Diablo 4 Season 4. This build is more comfortable to play and it can push to Pit tier 200 which is the cap currently on the PTR. Defensively, it feels okay. It's not like a tank as a Rogue but there's a lot of crowd control in this build. You can now stack stun, freeze, slow procs and you can get everything you want all together. You can proc the damage reduction effects from the poison, you can proc the damage reduction effects from the paragons. In general, this is one of the best Diablo IV Season 4 Rogue build that can melt everything once you have the full combo. One cool part about this build is everything around you is going to be frozen.

Rogue Build Gear

Helm: Warlord Greathelm of Might

Chest: Juggernaut's Adventurer's Tunic

Gloves: Edgemaster's Warlord Gauntlets

Pants: Umbrous Adventurer's Pants

Amulet: Amulet of Corruption

Boots: Penitent Greaves

Ring: Circle of Corruption, Circle of the Expectant

Left Hand: Trickshot Revenant Bow

Right Hand: Accelerating Bone Blade, Condemnation

Rogue Build Skills

Basic: 1 Puncture (Enhanced, Fundamental)

Core: 9 Twisting Blades (Enhanced, Improved), 3 Sturdy

Agility: 1 Shadow Step (Enhanced, Disciplined), 3 Weapon Mastery, 3 Concussive, 1 Trick Attacks, 2 Rapid Gambits

Subterfuge: 5 Concealment (Enhanced, Subverting), 3 Exploit, 3 Malic

Imbuement: 9 Shadow Imbuement (Enhanced, Mixed), 1 Cold Imbuement (Enhanced, Mixed), 3 Frigid Finesse

Ultimate: 2 Innervation, 1 Adrenaline Rush, 3 Haste

Key Passive: Close Quarters Combat

No.2 Best Diablo 4 Season 4 Rogue Build - Surge Rogue

The second D4 Season 4 best new Rogue build that is focused around the elemental surge. It is S tier build and it is very strong because it can clear Pit tier 200 in 2 minutes. To play this build, all you need to do is spam Puncture to proc BV & Surge. Use DT to group mobs, dash/SS for mobility and CQC activation, Smoke Nade on elites, and Caltrops for boss / tough elites. The damage of this build is so high that they one-shot the elites and other times it takes two or three punctures to get them killed.

Rogue Build Gear

Helm: Runic Skullcap of Might

Chest: Umbrous Runic Mail

Gloves: Runic Gloves of Inner Calm

Pants: Juggernaut’s Runic Leggings

Amulet: Edgemaster’s Chain

Boots: Hectic Runic Cleats

Ring: Ring of Volatile Shadows, Ring of Pestilent Points

Left Hand: Rapid Warcaster

Right Hand: Bone Blade of Elements

Rogue Build Skills

Basic: 1 Puncture (Enhanced, Fundamental)

Core: 3 Sturdy, 3 Siphoning Strikes

Agility: 1 Shadow Step (Enhanced, Disciplined), 1 Caltrop (Enhanced, Methodical), 3 Rugged, 1 Dash

Subterfuge: 1 Smoke Grenede (Enhanced, Countering), 5 Dark Shroud (Enhanced, Countering), 3 Exploit, 3 Malic

Imbuement: 9 Shadow Imbuement (Enhanced, Mixed), 1 Cold Imbuement (Enhanced, Mixed), 3 Frigid Finesse

Ultimate: 2 Innervation, 1 Adrenaline Rush, 3 Haste

Key Passive: Close Quarters Combat

No.3 D4 Best Rogue Build Season 4 - Stun Grenade Flurry Rogue

Last but not least is one of the brand new best Diablo 4 S4 Rogue builds, the Stun Grenade Rogue build. With the brand new unique called Saboteur’s Signet is going to give you a chance to release some stun grenades. What's cool is this is not a lucky hit chance, it's just a flat-out up to 30% if you get a high roll. When you use flurry to just release stun grenades. The AoE size on our flurry hitting enemies is pretty much about half the size of the entire screen. It is huge because you can temper to get increased flurry size for the ability. On top of that, on the explosive glyph, we can get up to 594 stun grenade damage which is technically additive damage. But that is still a massive amount and all the aspects now will give you bonus damage to stun grenades when you actually roll it on your pieces of gear. 

Rogue Build Gear

Helm: Aspect of Disobedience

Chest: Juggernaut's Aspect

Gloves: Aspect of Encircling Blades

Pants: Resistant Assailant's Aspect

Amulet: Aspect of Artful Initiative

Boots: Frostbitten Aspect

Ring: Aspect of Artful Initiative, Accelerating Aspect

Left Hand: Opportunist's Aspect

Right Hand: Trickster's Aspect, Aspect of Surprise

Rogue Build Skills

Basic: 1 Puncture (Enhanced, Fundamental)

Core: 5 Flurry (Enhanced, Improved), 3 Sturdy, 3 Siphoning Strikes, 3 Stutter Step

Agility: 1 Shadow Step (Enhanced, Disciplined), 3 Rugged, 3 Reactive Defense, 3 Weapon Mastery

Subterfuge: 1 Concealment, 1 Dark Shroud (Enhanced, Countering), 3 Exploit, 3 Malic, 3 Agile

Imbuement: 3 Frigid Finesse

Ultimate: 3 Innervation, 2 Second Wind, 1 Adrenaline Rush, 3 Haste

Key Passive: Close Quarters Combat

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