Blizzard just announced plans to add new rune words to D2R's patch 2.4 in order to match the balance changes to skills and mercenaries.
This spear base guide is for the base changes of new rune words for Diablo 2 Resurrected Patch 2.4. We are going to solely focus on some of the very interesting changes that are rune words to have been received in patch 2.4 version 2. You can now roll room words like Infinity in spears and Amazon spears specifically which that change alone has opened up some pretty crazy builds like charge strike spears on slash, lightning strike so stuff that you could actually run before but it's just a lot more viable now from literally just shifting a single possible rune word base. This unprecedented rune is naturally the one that will give you the effects and benefits you need.
Amazon Spears:
Here is an Amazon sphere it just opens up more opportunities for new builds so that's kind of what we wanted to focus on first just talking about some of the new builds that have been unlocked and the first build we just want to talk about is the charge strike spears on Amazon setup.
We will have it linked in the description below but lightning strike and charge strike are now super viable using these spears because you get the additional negative lightning REZ that's on Infinity.
If you don't have Mercenaries installed you will only get minus RES from Conviction or with this setup you will get level 12 Conviction Arm followed by minus 45 to minus 55 Lightning Red, so it will make a big difference For Charge and Lightning Strike, it is a very powerful build that offers a different spin and plays style. You could argue it might be a little bit slower like it doesn't quite have the AOE but it did crush Chaos Sanctuary you could just run in a lightning strike and then charge strike everything else, it was a very fun build open up from Infinity in Amazon spears specifically we do want to spend some time talking about the benefits of the other sphere bases and what to try and look out for.
Firstly, we take a look at the Mancatcher base, so this can roll up to a maximum of five open sockets, the key advantage here though is that this is the fastest two-handed weapon that you can equip on an active mercenary, it has a negative 20 weapon speed base compared to the negative 10 on a thresher or a giant thresher so you can achieve specific breakpoints a little bit easier with this setup because it's five open sockets, you could roll guaranteed Obedience like if you drop an F1 or as a kit you'll get five open sockets.
It's a solid choice to roll Obedience we don't know if we would roll Pride in one like we have Pride over here, Pride is such a low DPS weapon that you could maybe roll it in like a five open socket War Pike or something like a rolled Obedience. If you want a little bit more damage but Pride doesn't have enhanced damage on itself, the cool thing about mancatcher is it's just super fast and allows you to achieve other is breakpoints that you wouldn't normally be able to get.
Stygian Pike:
The next key prominent spear we would like to mention here is Stygian Pike. If you drop an ethereal Stygian Pike or Stygian Pike whatever you want to call it this gives you a guaranteed four open sockets but the key difference here like if you look it'll give you guaranteed forward sockets. The key difference though between a Stygian Pike an ethereal Stygian Pike is that the strength requirement is a lot lower, so this is something that can give you guaranteed Infinity or insight.
You can make Infinity base in this weapon base very easily compared to CV, it has a lower strength requirement and you don't have to use a specific helmet so the mercenary has enough power or upgrade the mercenary to level 94 so he can flip it, which is the key standout of this weapon base Ghost Spear. It's a solid weapon choice, just like we rolled the Dying and Single's Breath into the Ghost Spear, kind of like you're in between it's not as slow as the warp because it's faster with good average damage, though it's a solid choice.
War Pike:
The final one is the War Pike, so we roll Obedience in the War Pike just for fun, you can roll Infinity, it makes that mistake insight can't roll into the spear yet, just like FHR does for all red negative fire rest strength if you are lucky enough to get five open slots on the warp spear, you can kill an enemy, it's a super solid rune word that can deal a lot of damage, which is a very solid option.
Plague Claws:
The last key standout here we want to talk a little bit about claws, you can now roll lag, they did give us the ability to roll Plague and D2R unique daggers but we genuinely don't see the benefit of it like we just can't see ourselves rocking like a poison dagger Necro or if we were we would just use low resistance we don't really know why they so badly wanted to give us Plague and like greater talons, like maybe it would have been cool on all weapons but anyways the very cool thing about plagues that gives you one dollar skills plus the cleansing aura.
If you find a base like these claws here that have plus three to lighting century, it's a easy way to get additional plus skills, you can roll Plague, this base here will give you plus four to a lightning century if you're lucky, you could get like plus lightning century-plus s entry but you dual wield these two claws for two chaperons you can get plus or to your lightning century, it is so difficult.
We cannot describe how difficult it is to get some of the rarest and best possible magic claws that have the highest possible number plus skills. This is an easier way to exceed the damage from Hodo and spirit, you can rock builds that have like claw block, and then you have the chance to cast low resistance when you're struck, so 20 percent of weapons should go off semi-frequently if you lay down your traps close to monsters and then kind of hang around the outskirts and like we guess try to get hit when that low res rocks it will allow your traps and to do more damage.
That's sort of a full wrap-up of some of the new changes that have been introduced for the new D2R rune word, We hope that this will be of some help to you.
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