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LSOT AK Vykas Gate 3 Mechanic Guide - Mechanics Of Vykas Gate 3

7/11/2022 11:44:31 AM

Welcome back to gate 3 of Vykas, we're going to be quickly going over the major mechanics and attack in gate free of Vykas which will be the final gate of Vykas.


Lust Bar Introduction

Coming into gate 3 of Vykas, you'll quickly notice that there is a lust gauge above each player's head, over time the amount of loss, you have will slowly decrease, however, anytime you are hit by one of her attacks, the loss will increase instead, and it's very important to manage the amount of loss, you have over the entire duration of the fight, and it is very essential for multiple different mechanics when your lust is at completely zero, you do reduce damage to Vykas, when your loss is above seventy percent, you do increase damage to Vykas, but you also take more damage finally when your loss is filled up a hundred percent, you lose your control, and you start attacking your teammate, instead, however, any hard cc (such as a sleep bomb) can lift you from the substitution.

170x Swamp

The first major mechanics begin at 170 bar which is the swamp mechanics, two of your players will have a brown light above them while every other player will have a blue light above them, the two-player with brown light should then form a straight line away from the boss, usually, people do it on the left side and wait for the swarm to drop below them, other player with the blue light should be away and drop the pull away from the swamp which will be important for the upcoming mechanics, once that is done, every single player should get on top of the swamp furnace away from Vykas, and then she will charm you to walk toward her, if any of you touches her, then you'll die, however, fortunately, the swamp will slow you down so that you don't touch her, this will happen once again at the 75 hp bar threshold, so be sure to practice this a lot, because you have to do it twice.

150x Statue and Sword

The next major mechanics that happened at 155 hp bar where a bunch of statues would then spawn on the map, however, if you are a player with over 70 lust gauges instead of seeing a statue, you'll see a sword instead, your goal here is to find a spot with both a statue and a sword, so the easiest way to do this is for the player who is seeing a sword to just ping on every single sword, and the player who is seeing a statute when they see a ping on a statue that indicates that is going to be the safe spot, they do kind of come in a set pattern, so you can also try to memorize the pattern as well.

135 x Typing Test

The next major mechanic that happened at 145 h3 bar, however, before the mechanics begin, you should consume a LSOT AK gold orb with your entire party so that you can reduce the amount of lust gauge, you have as much as possible, and you then go into a quick cutscene, and you'll be met with what they call a bubba typing test, pretty straightforward here, just click the key on the screen without getting distracted, you have less time, you have to do it which is why we got rid of our lust gauge previously, and if four or more of your party member fail, then you'll cause a wipe, otherwise, if one, two, or three-player fail that she'll do a big AoD damage, so cast your awakening or shield here or damage reduction to survive, to finally close out this mechanic shield, then follow it with two airway attack.

120 x Throne

At around 120 hp bars, she'll do another pull attack, however, instead of dropping the pull away from your party, you and your entire party should group up, drop the pull together, and immediately try to get max loss as much as possible, once you hit max less, you'll get charm and loser control, however, it is essential you do this to survive the throne mechanics where any player who doesn't have max less will get killed.

105 x Stagger Check

At 105 hp bar, Vykas teleport to the middle and do a heavy stagger check, the generic method to do this is to open one of the LSOT AK gold orbs, and reduce your lust to zero, and then run into Vykas, and start the stagger as soon as you see her stagger track bar, after you finish your stagger, however, everyone should immediately time stop to prevent death through the frog explosion, the frog can only be killed by players who have 70 lust or higher, but an alternative method here is to use weight to not only put the stagger on Vykas, but also to kill one of the frogs in the process, and then another player will kill the frog at the bottom left, doing so prevent the frog from exploding which means you don't have to time stop or use a gold orb at all.

55 x Tentacle

The next mechanics then happen at 55 hp bar where she will spawn a bunch of tentacles over the map, you want to kill every single tentacle on the map before your time run out, however, the gimmick here is that you can only damage them if you have higher than 70 percent lust, you'll also rapidly drain, however, touching a red orb will rapidly increase your lush, so you want to balance the amount of loss, you have to make sure you can damage the tentacle, but not so much that you will get charmed it, killing every single tentacle will prevent you from getting killed by the wipe attack.

40x x3+1 orb (Hard Mode only)

If you're playing in hard mode Vykas, a new mechanic will happen at 40 where four red orbs will appear at the time three plus one positions, so four unique players need to go grab the orb, and then smash the space bar, and that's pretty much it before we get into the final mechanics.

Final Stagger

At around five to ten h3 bar, use the last go orb to reduce everyone's gauge as much as possible to prepare for the final mechanics, in a final struggle, Vykas is going to spawn a bunch of clones all over the map, you'll want to find the real Vykas, and head toward the real Vykas by looking at your mini mount, however, make sure your face away from the center or just look at Vykas directly to dodge the medusa attack after that immediately get behind her before she casts her map-wide attack, and she casts it directly in front of her, your goal here is to reduce her staggered bowel all the way to zero, you're it's just a race of Vykas, getting everyone's success engaged up to 100 first or you deploying her stagger bar down to zero first and if you've successfully done it, congratulations, you have beaten Vykas, though while those are the major mechanics, we still have a few major attacks to quickly go through.

Notes: Find real vykas (use mini map), continue looking at vykas (stacked up).


Let's start with the medusa attack, in the medusa attack, she'll have an eye above her head, and then she'll either have two wings out, only one wing, or no wings at all, and based on the number of wings that she has out, you need to have that many players looking at Vykas while every other player needs to look away, Vykas will do this spiral flying move where it is going to be countable right after, so this is a good opportunity to counter her, and do a bunch of damage, a countable charge attack where she would dust it twice with two opportunities to counter you've seen this one before in phase 2 already, there will be a whale mechanics where she will start with this giant red circle, indicating that she's spawning well, only players with higher than 70 losses can see the whale, however, there is a very cheesy safe spot at the very bottom of the map where you can completely avoid the whale, the player with higher than 70 lust will be able to see this wheel, so they can guide the rest of the other players on how to dodge the whales as well.


  • No wings = no look.

  • 1 wings = #1look.

  • 2 wings = #1+#2 look.

  • Repeat again for party 2.


Occasionally a field of your player will be marked below them, and then a few seconds later, they'll drop a pull at where they are sure to run away from your party and drop these pools at the corner of the map to avoid closing up the battle. Be sure to stack pool instead for the 120HP throne attack.




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